Join your favourite fictional book characters and explore the world of non-fiction with this fully resourced, step-by-step sensory story perfect for celebrating World Book Day.
Includes 70 Plus World Book Day activity idea for sensory learners of all ages and ideas for students extending their learning.
This resource is aimed at supporting students and sensory learners of all ages following pre-formal/sensory, semi-formal or formal pathways incorporating activities that promote the five areas of the engagement model, creativity, independence, building communication skills, and supporting other areas of learning linking to curriculum subjects, themes, and topics.
This teaching pack is tailored to accommodate students’ individual learning needs through differentiated, themed, sensory extension activities linking to the EYFS Framework and areas of the KS1 National Curriculum making it the perfect resource for Special Education, Mainstream schools and settings, Speech & Language and EAL students.
About the Story Props
The story props are low budget, everyday items found around the home, garden, outdoor areas and in the classroom.
What are the Benefits of Multisensory Storytelling?
• Storytelling creates a bond between the storyteller and the story explorer enhancing and enriching experiences.
• Multisensory Stories connect the individual to literature, culture, history, and topic in a fun and engaging way.
• The stories form a base on which to scaffold learning enabling the student to work on personal goals and individual targets.
The activities in the stories are designed to promote:
• Initiation and sensory exploration.
• Communication skills: anticipation, eye contact, listening, shared attention, and language development.
• Self-confidence and well-being: trying out new ideas, and skills, persistence.
• Practicing self-care, independence and enjoying achievement.
• Self-awareness: asking for ‘help’, ‘again’ and ‘more’.
• Opportunities to explore cause & effect and build anticipation skills.
• Physical Development.
• Engagement in scientific experimentation and mathematical concepts.
• Development of social & emotional skills: turn-taking & sharing, listening to others’ ideas and teamwork.
The sensory stimuli (story props) are a tool for the story explorer to explore and express their likes, dislikes, and sensory preferences and to have the opportunity to make choices and rejections. These preferences can be noted and used in care plans and to enhance areas of daily life.
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Category | Books |
Tag | Special Education |
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