Time Out / Isolation / Remove Room / Seclusion / Reflection Room
Workbook 3. Drug Education
Unleash your students potential with our expertly crafted workbook. Designed specifically for High School students serving time in Time Out / Internal Exclusion / Isolation Room / Remove room / Seclusion / Reflection Room or undergoing suspension from school, each resource is tailored to help students focus on and address the consequences of their behavior. By understanding the causes and effects of their actions, students can challenge and develop strategies for creating a more positive environment for themselves and others.
Consisting of the following lessons.
Lesson 1: What are illegal drugs
Lesson 2: The Law and Drugs in the UK
Lesson 3: The Impact of Drug Use: Health, Education, and Relationships
Lesson 4 : Saying No and Making Healthy Choices
All High School workbooks are designed to be completed between 2-4 Hours
All workbooks are aligned with our core values of Compassion, Hard Work, Respect, Integrity, and Fairness. It includes a written contract to guide students on their path to reintegration into the classroom.
Key features:
• Engaging activities, thought-provoking, higher order questions, and reflection tasks
• Aligned with our school core values of Compassion, Hard Work, Respect, Integrity, and Fairness
• Customizable to fit your school unique branding
• Free and regular updates to ensure content remains relevant
• Differentiated for students of varying abilities
• Affordable pricing options, including bulk discounts
• Free sample workbook available for evaluation. Workbook 13. Inappropriate use of social media Download all 3 workbooks focusing on one of our biggest challenges in school MOBILE PHONES & SOCIAL MEDIA.
Do not let disruptive behavior derail your students education. Our workbooks offer a proven structured approach to address the challenging behaviors and promote positive change. Order your copy today and start making a difference.
Titles available
School Core Values
Attendance & Truancy
Drug Education
Understanding Racism
Violent Behavior & Fighting
Disrespectful Behavior Towards Staff
Homophobic Discrimination
Bullying & Cyber Bullying
Smoking & Vaping
The Importance of School Uniform
Attending School Detentions
Bringing the School into Disrepute
Inappropriate use of Social Media (FREE)
Vandalism in School
Theft in School
Inappropriate Language in School
Prohibited Items
Refusal to Follow Instructions
Fundamental American Values
Community Time Behavior
Unkind Behavior Towards Others
Sexualized Language
Disablist Language
Category | Behavior & Classroom Management |
Tag | 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade |
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