Free printable dowloads for teachers. This file is high definition so it’s great for digital media, posters, flyers, handouts and classroom posters. If you print and sell this please tithe to Tzeddakah/Charity. The recommended printing size for this Jewish educational poster suggested size 18″x24″. Have your printer laminate them for durability. Teaching children good manners is a gift for life. This colorful poster attracts the students’ attention, encourages good behavior, good people skills and good values. Moshiach will come through Tikkun Olam. A beautiful teachers’ aide, guide and tool from which a complete lesson or more can be made from each of the middot! This one has both the Ashkenaz and Sefard pronunciation, and has UK and USA spelling. The background is an olive green gingham pattern. It is perfect for the classroom, lunchroom or homeschooling and has been approved by a Chabad Educator Rabbi. פלקט לכיתה Kiddush Hashem: Being honest, morally just and a great role model! Hakaras/t Hatov: Being grateful to G-d and recognizing the good others do. Kibbud Av v’Em: Hono(u)ring your parents for example by not sitting in their seat, embarrassing them, speaking before them, over their voices or contradicting them. Kvod Harav: Hono(u)ring your teachers and being respectful at all times. Shmiras/t Halashon: Being mindful and thinking before you speak. Rachamanim B’nai Rachamanim: Being kind and helpful to each other including the pregnant and people with disabilities. Mipnei Seiva Takkum: Helping the elderly. Tznius/t: Being modest both with your clothing and your behavio(u)r. Emes/t: Being truthful! Sholom/Shalom: Searching for peaceful solutions, also crushing jealous thoughts and baseless hatred. Anivus/t: Humility, being humble and not haughty. Teshuvah: Repentance and making amends. Tefillah: Mindful Prayer to G-d. Tzedakah: Giving charity with happiness. Ahavas/t Yisro(a)el: Refraining from loshon hara. Liking fellow Jews which includes respecting their different minhagim, all shades of skin colo(u)r and being patient with those who haven’t reached their Tikkun yet. Hachnosas/t Kallah: Helping a new couple especially if they are poor or orphaned. Bikkur Cholim: Visiting the sick. Selichah & Mechilah: Being forgiving without holding grudges. Hachnosas/t Orchim: Hospitality, being a good host. Gemilus/t Chasadim: Loving kindness without expecting a reward. Derech Eretz: Behaving in a decent, polite, civilized and respectful manner. Bal Taschis/t: Not destroying what can be put to good use and not being wasteful. Tzar L’baalei Chayim: Not being cruel to animals, having compassion for your pets, for example by feeding them before you eat. Hashavas/t Aveida: Returning lost property. Simchah: Happiness can be achieved for example through appreciating your brochos/brachot or by being productive. Nikayon: Cleanliness, for your body, thoughts and neshama. Savlanus/t: Patience, staying calm and clear minded especially in trying circumstances. Seder: Being organized, tidy and disciplined.
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