BY GUEST: ELINOR G. Mispronouncing words out loud and getting corrected by someone can be one of the most embarrassing situations we can experience. We all have been there – you say a word, phrase, or a whole sentence that you’ve said many times before in a foreign language with such confidence only to suddenly hear …
Morphology For Educators
By guest: Dr. Peter Reznik Morphology for educators. Morphology (in Europe it is mostly knows as physiognomy or psycho- physiognomy) is the study of the correspondence between the form of the face and body and the inner qualities of personality and temperament. It provides understanding of the ways in which people think, their energy system, …
Forgetting Curve – Why is this So Important to Understand?
By guest: Thomas S. McDonald Is our ‘learning’ goal: I.Initial understanding, or entertainment/motivational? 1. How to get from point A to Point B 2. How to do a fairly simple project, one time 3. How to entertain employees, via a well known comic 4. How to motivate employees, with a new product launch, via a …
¿Qué juguetes le compro? Consejos prácticos para Padres
Por: Mgtr. Ana Elisa Villalaz S. Una de las herramientas fundamentales para estimular y potenciar el desarrollo de un niño es el juego. Esta es la forma más rápida, práctica y divertida para aprender algo nuevo o repasar información ya aprendida. El toque “divertido” permite que se despierte una magia interna muy particular adentro del …
What toys do you buy? Tips for Parents
By guest Ana Elisa Villalaz One of the key tools to stimulate and promote the development of a child’s play. This is the fastest, practical and fun way to learn something new or reviewing information already learned. The “funny” touch allows a particular child in the inner magic to wake up and this makes the … – An overview is an online platform for teachers, from all over the world, to sell, buy and share educational material. Teachers can share their products for free, or be paid for them. 1. There are two options to share your educational products: a. Register as a member – free. Post your learning tools. Receive 60% for …
Love in Jewish Education
Eran Shorr Based on a lecture by Rabbi Bukiet The Shema, a Biblical verse, (Deuteronomy 6:7) begins with a commandment commanding the Jews to accept God as one; “Hear, O Israel! God is our God, God is one,” and continues with the commandment to love God; “You shall love God…” How can someone be commanded …
Should an educator follow the majority despite his disagreement with them? – A thought
Eran Shorr, Based on a lecture by Rabbi Alter Bukiet. As an educator, did you ever encounter a situation in which you proved your opinion to be true, and yet, the majority of your colleagues, did not agree with you? Did you go with your insight or with that of the majority? Let’s see how …