Showing 28 Result(s)

Morphology For Educators

By guest: Dr. Peter Reznik Morphology for educators. Morphology (in Europe it is mostly knows as physiognomy or psycho- physiognomy) is the study of the correspondence between the form of the face and body and the inner qualities of personality and temperament. It provides understanding of the ways in which people think, their energy system, …

Forgetting Curve – Why is this So Important to Understand?

By guest:  Thomas S. McDonald Is our ‘learning’ goal: I.Initial understanding, or entertainment/motivational? 1. How to get from point A to Point B 2. How to do a fairly simple project, one time 3. How to entertain employees, via a well known comic 4. How to motivate employees, with a new product launch, via a …

¿Qué juguetes le compro? Consejos prácticos para Padres

Por: Mgtr. Ana Elisa Villalaz S. Una de las herramientas fundamentales para estimular y potenciar el desarrollo de un niño es el juego. Esta es la forma más rápida, práctica y divertida para aprender algo nuevo o repasar información ya aprendida. El toque “divertido” permite que se despierte una magia interna muy particular adentro del …