E-book “David kingdom: revealing truth”

Hello! My name is Bonna. Today I am proud to present my new book about David kingdom. This book will smash all previous beliefs about ancient history and will show you truth  – where is situated David kingdom in reality. Based only on Tanah (Old Testament) and archeology this book will brake all arguments of those Jews who are believing that David kingdom is modern Israel state. Easy and simple to understand this book explains you Daniel prophecy, Ezekeil and Revelation – it opens facts which no one spoke about.

I use terminology of Hebrew words and convinced that during the history real facts about David kingdom were distorted and forgotten and modern translations helped it much. That’s why I recommend you to read Tanah in Hebrew or use interlinear translation from Hebrew to clarify things out. This book is free, I am grateful Yahawa (YHWH) Elohim that He gave me knowledge and wisdom to finish this book. Without His help this book would not be written. It is a gift from Yahawa Elohim for sincere and open-minded people who want to learn Tanah deeper. I will be grateful for sharing this book with your  friends.


Sincerely Yours,

Bonna Shejve

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Bonna Shejve

Hi ! My name is Bonna, I am 3o years old, Torah-keeper, has one daughter, live in Ukraine, work. I dedicated all my life to learning Torah & Tanah and wrote book about it which you can find in my store. It is for free. Because I do believe that all knowledge we received from YHYH (Yahawa) Elohim can not be used for commercial purpose. I will be happy to find here sincere and open-minded people who are searching for truth. I invite all of you to join me to wonderful adventures in the world of David kingdom, let's reveal ancient prophecies and find Eretz Israel together in my book! I will appreciate your comments and sharing with friends. Sincerely yours, Bonna Shejve

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