
Learn Basic Hebrew Words and Meanings with WordPlay.

It is an enjoyable way to learn 52 beautiful words.

Learn the meaning of basic Hebrew words with WordPlay  – it is

FUN!  A unique and enjoyable game using 52 Hebrew words.

CREATIVE!  A visual game where children can color in images while learning the meaning of Hebrew words.

WordPlay  is an exciting educational card game for children and adults.  It can also be used as flashcards by teachers.

No previous knowledge of the Hebrew words and language is required.

WordPlay  – can be played individually or in groups

WordPlay…  and excellent idea to learn for any age.

Some ideas to learn for the classroom:

  1.  Teach words one card at a time.
  2.  Show a card at a time and ask the students to name the image in Hebrew. If they cannot name it,  tell them and start all over.
  3.  Repeat step two.  This time – see if the students can go through the entire list.  After they go through the entire list, do it again, and see if they can do a better job – faster.
  4. Have two or more students play the game.
    The objective of the game:
    The player with the most cards in his pile at the end of the game, wins.  The game ends when only one player has cards left in hand. (see instruction in the game)
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Eran A. Shorr

I came to America as a child with my parents after the Six Day War and went through the American School system. I went back to Israel to serve in the IDF, studied Middle Eastern Studies in Israel, and business administration and Jewish education in America. I have been living with my family and interacting with the Jewish community in the Boston area for more than thirty years. These experiences helped me to see the challenges facing the Jews in the Diaspora and the state of Israel from different angles.

As an education director of Jewish afternoon schools, my responsibilities included administering the schools, directing and mentoring teachers, creating curriculum, and teaching.

Seeing the Jewish afternoon teachers’ need to develop, I have been working on an online learning program for them. The program is geared to expend their knowledge and to help them grow professionally.

I also have been working on an online program for students. This program is geared to prepare them for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and it teaches them Hebrew reading and language.

My aspiration within the field of Jewish education is to help my students and families to be a practicing and learning community with vision for the future and strong links to the past. I believe that knowledge and experience of Judaism elevate the Jews’ sense of belonging; they connect them to the heartbeat of Jewish culture, encourage them to practice Judaism, and raise the quality of Jewish life.
To achieve it we need to work together, students, teachers, parents, and community.


  • Working with adults.

    I used this game with adults to practice the Hebrew letters and reading. They enjoyed it.

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